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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  January 4, 2013 7:00am-10:00am PST

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(male announcer) live from the bay area here is your kron 4 news this >> the search continues for missing data limousine. >> the house of representatives will vote today on super storm sandy aid after the vote was canceled earlier this week. the tail straight ahead. >> we're also following the rather and erica is following our cold temperatures. >> this is our mt. tam cam and these guys are starting
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to brighten. it is a cold start and we are at freezing. santa rosa and novato 41 and you can see and tell it is a cold start to the mourning period as we head into the afternoon, mostly sunny conditions a little warmer would sunspots' climbing into the lower 60s. later on tonight is shaping up to be a relatively warm evening. mid to upper '40's. big changes as we head into the weekend, i will keep your future cast four and show you what we can forecast coming up and my next report. >> i really like ride around the bay area. the meter lights have not been activated on the bay bridge. the only slow traffic for this morning for a very short stretch of highway four. that is in the commute direction west bound for antioch. that is really the only slow traffic consistent
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with normal commute patterns. south bay freeways evidence of very very light. >> we're also following developing news as pg&e crews are working to restore power to customers after a police chase and with a crash and sam francisco. this happened at fifth and townsend and will tran is and has the latest on the scene. >> it happened about five hours ago and will take another five hours before pg&e restores power. you can see crews out here and what happened was the driver went through the powerful and staff in half. you could see part of a powerful right there. it went through the chain-link fence, slammed into the cal trans track and move it just a bit. in the process a wide out power to about 100 people. a lot of the businesses are out of power right now for about a block. we talked to one person this morning and says
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she cannot get into her work because her bad uses electricity. there is no power so she cannot get and. the gate will not left open. you may want to call your boss to find out if you still have a big job to go to today. they said at no time or the train is disrupted, that has not been a problem at all. what started this pursuit? we're still trying to find out but no and is that people were injured. >> let's continue our developing news this morning and go to the north bay where the search continues for 19 year-old alyssa byrne from petaluma. she was reported missing in lake tahoe specifically in the south lake area. jackie
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sissel is our sole reporter on the scene. >> friends and family of a list of burdens are all concerned and hoping they come up with some kind of idea of what happened to her. -- alyssa byrne burshe was at a music festival was some friends. she was separated from them are around 1130 on new year's eve when she decided to go back to her hotel where the friends were staying. around midnight herself loan was used for a simple call or text around that time but since then that no word from her. the sheriff's department has, but the area looking for clues. the fbi is now involved in this and there is a thousand dollar reward
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for any information leading to finding out what happened to her. we had a chance to talk to air her distraught mother and how easily she was upset. >> it is hard but there are some doors you cannot open. right now it is just hope. we are focusing on hope. keep it going and keep the prayer is with a list of and good thoughts. there is no other option, she is coming home. >> there appears to be a 10:00 a.m. briefing in the towel area by the sheriff's department. we have a crew from kron4 up there and we are hoping to get an update. if anything develops on the story we will pass along but there is still a long way to go with us. >> we will continue to follow the developments for the search for a list of burn. we do have a crew -- a
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lesson learne >> is an are fell man is in court accused of repeatedly having sex with eight teenaged girl. louganis ba udillo santos faces multiple rape charges. a 17 your accuser told police she was raped over a period of about six months. she is an acquaintance of the of santos and that she told the girl an adult relative leading to santos arrest. >> and pitcher sergio romo is not apologizing for his actions and las vegas. police say he got an argument with the as a officers at las vegas as
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medicare and international airport on the year's day. as a follow posted on the year's eve showing rommel at a vegas nightclub called haiti's. he is alongside 49ers player michael crabtree. sources say roll became angry and aggressive with a security worker on tuesday morning when he failed to provide proper id. >> the house of representatives will vote today on $9 billion in super storm sandy aid. the house will vote on the rest of the $60 billion package on january 15th. the vote comes after speaker john boehner canceled a vote on super storm sandy 8 earlier this week. these skills leaders including fellow republicans
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new jersey gov. chris christie and congressman peter king were angry after john boehner installed the boat. the senate will also have to take another boat since the boat comes in the new congress that was sworn in yesterday. >> the time is 7:07 a.m. and coming up on the kron4 morning news a cold start once again. bundle up, we'll have more details on your weather will be come back.
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i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment
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on any new volkswagen. visit today. progresso. your new light creamy potato with bacon & cheese soup says it's 100 calories a serving. that's right. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. my world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon...creamy cheese... [ whispers ] 100 calories... say it again... [ whispers ] 100 calories... ma'am, hello? ma'am? [ female announcer ] find progresso light for a great price today at your local safeway store. (woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information and receive a free 3-day bracelet today. it was 3 days of pure joy.
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♪ and it's beautiful >> will come back to the kron 4 morning news. a fairly quiet day on wall street. the dow down to one yesterday. a 308 the day before. now 13. 13,004 04. a not so enthusiastic job report came out for the month of november show the on and point rate unchanged at 7.8%. >> thank you mark new this morning general motors is recalling 55,000 vehicles because they throw away unexpectedly. >> gm says the vehicles may have been built with malformed best-it affects the suburban, a tahoe, and express. >> and gmc sierra and the
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yukon are also cam in the recall. >> steady bochevy fvolt cells are cranking up. >> general motors' debt over 23,000 chevrolet volts in 2012. those cells put the volt well ahead of its nearest competitor, the nea sign leaf it those sales put nissan leaf . industry
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and gm analysts say the biggest factor driving sales as the vehicle increased popularity in card called california. >> engineers apparently tweaked volt make it eligible for california's highly desirable carpool lane stickers. >> would be back with more.
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>> happy friday bay area. thank you for waking up with the kron 4 morning news. it is clear start to the morning. for most of we have local apache dense fog. visibility is compromised. --local, patchy, dense fog. >> upper 30's and san jose. concord walking up to freezing. upper '30's and san carlos. 33 livermore.
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>> visibility is down to 5 mi. for santa rosa. 101 stretching down to the bottlenavato. >> satellite radar most key to the bigger picture. high pressure control for now. an area of low pressure will sneak in to the bay area. futurecast 4 shows a wider view of northern california. you can see more strong offshore as we get into 3:00 p.m. saturday. >> you will notice the cloud cover first it will becloud the dry for most of the day. as we head into the evening 6:00 start to see yellow mixed with the green on your screen indicating moderate to heavy rain. it will come down around dinnertime. it will continue to the rest of the evening. showers will taper off in the overnight. the storm sitting on the back in will arrive sunday.
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keep an umbrella handy. drier and sunny conditions return as we start the next work of area >> before we get to that us take a look at the numbers for to day. 554 fairfield. 59 and hayward. daly city 53. if you're heading to tahoe no chain restrictions in effect. it should not be bad getting there. partly cloudy skies as the case as we head into the afternoon. >> saturday and sunday a snow chance possible. your lows could get into the single digits. it will be a cold one bring your chains anyway. you will probably need them this weekend. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows mild conditions return as we start the next work week highs in the upper 50s low 60s. yellow's not too bad but no longer read the freezing point. --inland ;pwlows not to bet.
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>> that is your weather here is traffic. >> we have not enough traffic on the bay bridge toll plaza for the meeting lights to be activated. >> the san mateo bridge is light even during the 7:00 hour we still have a 11 minute drive times. the volume and the density of the traffic here does look a little more like normal. >> the drive times are still better than that. >> golden gate 101, marin county problem free. for an easy trip through marin county which i will show you a moment. >> first we will update your east bay drive times. 16 minutes hercules to berkeley. almost half the normal drive time. no delays on westbound 24 or southbound 680 for the san ramon valley. >> south bay freeways look absolutely great. >> 281 01, 85, 17, a 80. >> 101 for marin county has picked up a little south bound. the drive times are
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26-27 minutes from navato to the golden gate bridge. >> some problems at else a real plaza have been cleared and no longer is it a leg. >> thank you george. >> in national news chief justice john roberts will swear in president barack obamas for a second term later this month. >> theial inaugural committee says roberts will administer the oath of office at the white house on january 20th as required and the constitution. >> says that is a sunday, roberts also the swearing in at a public inaugural ceremony 10 or 21st at the u.s. capitol. >> supreme court justice sonia sotomayor will swear in vice president joe biden. >> the state department says secretary of state hillary clinton plans to return to work next week after being treated for blood clot in her head.
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>> mrs. clinton is resting at home this morning. a spokeswoman said she is " sounded terrific, upbeat and bring to go. >> a rare day is been been set for return to washington next week. >> doctors expect mrs. clinton met for recovery and have advised her to avoid international travel. >> if the federal government has approved california plan to run its own health- insurance market. >> a milestone in the state effort to meet requirements of the national health care reform law. >> california was the first day to authorize the health insurance exchange after passage of the federal affordable care act in 2010. >> the plan will offer health insurance under the thousands of californians did not have coverage starting next year. >> several states still refuse to set up their own health care exchange. if they do not they will be forced but is a bit of a government run exchange. >> sensors designed to detect a gunshot are now
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being used in oakland. they are called shot spotters' and a blanket nearly half the city of new year's eve, the technology came in handy when officers were able to respond to a shooting after being alerted by the shot spotter, rather than wait for 911 calls to come in. ballard came less than 22 seconds. >> officers were able to rest one suspect in the shooting and sees a colt assault rifle loaded with a hundred rounds of an initiammunition. >> oakland police say the no. 4 shot spotter to work, they must have the manpower out in the field. as a jealous more than a hundred officers were laid off in 2010. >> east bay mud workers spent much of the night
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repair war may break. this happened in the 23rd hundred block of swight way. not far from telegraph ave. >> an underground pipe flooded part of the road but workers managed to shut off the water while making repairs. >> they hope to have everything fixed by this morning. >> until then, a 16 homes remain without water. >> people forced from their homes in san francisco fire this week and are still struggling. >> the fire happened in the mission district and this is the rubble left from the fire. >> 40 people including four children or forced to evacuate the building at a meeting last night, several different agencies gathered in the mission to connect those impacted with the city's services, including our friend in temporary housing as well as close. >> the fire caused more than $815,000 in damage. the cause of the fire is still
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under investigation. >> the national parks service wants to put into burning christmas trees on ocean beach. >> park rangers will be increasing their patrols and will cite anyone tried to burn a christmas tree on the beach. >> the fine for burning start at $125. >> the parks department was to remind san francis residence that the trichologrecp;pgj picks up old christmas trees on free on scheduled tri-statrash basedays >> we will be right back ♪ ♪ i'm halfway to your heart
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♪ you have to let me know ♪ so i don't make my worst mistake ♪ ♪ turn around and let you go [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. made with sweet, smooth peanut butter and salted, roasted peanuts. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. if your resolution is saving money, safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. now's a good time to pack your lunches. lean cuisine is just $1.99. yoplait yogurt is just 50 cents. resolutions, kept. and charmin is $13.99 for 30 double rolls. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway.
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>> welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. new this morning advertisers are paying top dollar for some global commercials this year, with the price of its 32nd spot hitting a record high of at least $4 million. >> cbs sports a broadcasting this year's stubble on february 3rd. the biggest football game of the year will be played in torrance. >> the playoff to determine which team will to spend the game began tomorrow. >> air time for commercials is already filling up quickly. >> the 4 million price tag because last year's record, when nbc sports charged an average of 3.5 million for a 32nd spot. >> facebook launched new updates this morning on his messenger app the allows users to send voice messages. >> this is all part of mark zuckerberg push toward
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expanding the company's mobile service. >> users can now tap a plus but and then hold a record button to create a message. >> releasing the button immediately sends the message. >> facebook is also testing a new feature that allows free voice calls, but right now, it only works in canada and only on the latest i all as messenger app. >> barnes and noble star nearly 13% decline in sales of its e reader booked since last year. >> the bookseller says it did not expect a drop in sales as best it with a lot of age be hooked in september--h dnook in september warned noble told investigators they are that as investors they're looking into the cause of the drop in the plant would just their strategy. >> google will not be
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facing a lawsuit by the federal trade commission. it was under review for its search tactics. >> google supplied some products within the result and pushed the product from competitors farther down the list. the ftc did not find any evidence that harm consumers. >> we will be back with more on headline news and weather.
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>> we are back at 730. >> new this morning investigators in san jose are living into a suspicious fire at a pot club. >> the fire happened overnight on zanker road. >> to get more news faster, we turn to our solo reporter kron fours mike pelton. >> the fire crews went into early this morning. they said the fire was routine. they got here just after 4:00 a.m.. the fire was contained in this room you see here. the window is busted out. the sprinkler system help to contain the
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fire. some circumstances make it appear suspicious. it happened in the middle of the night they smelled gasoline when they first went inside the building. this facility is a pot club, a marijuana club. >> fire investigators are on scene working to determine the cause of fire. employees are also cleaning up a lot of the mess and a glass left on the floor of the building. for they do not wish to comment on the situation. i did speak with a few people work nearby. they tell me this place was robbed a few months ago and they have had issues before. authorities would not comment on whether they believe this was a robbery. all they will say it is a suspicious fire. they have their hands full this morning. james, we will send it back to you. the employees clearly know what is going on today. >> some other businesses you
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see on the right-hand side. i cannot tell what the business is. it is connected to some of the facilities. another thing chains, they have security cameras or what appeared to be security cameras covering the building. they have multiple cameras no word if they captured anything. we will continue to check on that. >> very good mike. >> mike on the scene that store developing new for you this morning. anny. >> would also see areas of dense fog. erica as tracking our weather. >> anny it is a friday we have local dense fog. >> it is not as cold as it was 24 hours ago. >> dress in layers. >> it is currently freezing in concord. 38 in san jose not to that of a star if you are located in san
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francisco. 45 degrees. warmer into the afternoon sun spots could cclimb below 60. we have more wet weather on the horizon. rain will arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon stretching into pretty much all day sunday. here's a look at your visibility chart. 5 mi. of santa rosa. we have seen it dropped to four in navato. your afternoon highs will show you an important weekend forecast coming up in a bit. george. >> we have light traffic of around the bay area erica. we had an accident in marin county. it has produced a little slowing but not bed. south bound to the civic center at north san pedro road it is probably the right lane that is still blocked because of that traffic is slow coming down from lucas valley road. the drive time is still only running about 28 minutes from navato to bridge. >> police chase fans with a
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crash in san francisco. it happened at fifth and townsend. >> kron 4 is will tran has been on the scene all morning he joins us with the latest period >> actually great news to pass a law and the ideas got done talking to the hard- working men they said they have restored most of the power. you can see what we showed you all morning. it is being cut up for firewood. the lines have been restored. most of the power is back. we will show you a shot from across the street. you can see the lights on in the loft. that happened to be over the past 10 minutes. they told us it would be back at noon. i guess you under promise and over the liver.the liverdeliver
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>> no one could go inside the building unless they have power the badges need electricity to be scanned. if they do not have that in the door to not open. that is why pg&e it is coming out. that could be restored over the next couple of hours. as far of this place here light on. about 100 people were impacted by this. it is pretty good now. caltran were worried because the station is over there. they rushed out to find out if their trade would be disrupted. it was not. we are still trying to find out exactly what happened. we do know that the bmw crashed through the power pole and went through the fence and slammed into the pickup truck which is why power was knocked out. >> back to you anny. >> that is good news power being restored for the most part earlier than expected. james. >> the other developing
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story we're following involves a missing teenager from pelham of. she was missing from tahoe. this is a live look from pelham were posters are posted around town. >> deputies in south lake tahoe are offering a $1,000 reward as they continue their search for nine teen year-old alyssa bryne. she was attending snow globe and music festival happening over the new year's weekend. her paris text her on new year's eve and she did not respond. the next day--her parents text per. she did not respond and her parents filed a missing person's report. >> text from her phone show usage last night.
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>> here is a master of her taken she is young woman on the right with dark hair. she was attending smpw g;pblobe. >> she seemed to be having fun sang last night was amazing in that was having fun in the >> but in december 3e twisted and turned thing " after tonight you will never be a part of my life and this of my trust in the person i trusted most. >> police said there are aware of this and are investigating exactly when and where there were posted. >> the u.s. postal
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inspection service is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever stole a mailbox from an allied street. >> authorities say blue mail collection box as reported missing yesterday morning from its location outside the alameda on bay post office in shoreline drive. >> it was not clear when the postal service last collected mail from the box or when it was taken. >> a party say mail theft is a federal offense. >> a party say mail theft is a federal offense. >> look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is!
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sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
7:41 am
make a wish! i wish we could lie here forever. i wish this test drive was over, so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. i just had to write. you can't imagine how long i've been searching for something like this for my family. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex
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and honey nut chex. for me, it's cinnamon. it means a lot to be able to give them something that's good for them, that also puts smiles on their faces. 'cause i really love those smiles. we're the harris family. and we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook. >> the pakistan teenager shot by the tall man, has been released from the hospital in the uk. a 15 year old
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was shot while campaigning for girls' education in her home country and taken to university hospital birmingham for emergency treatment. >> shheard case won worldwide recognition for the struggle a woman's right to pakistan. >> the 50 euro made the short list for time magazine's person of the year. and now the girl's father is been given a diplomatic post in the uk. >> the position was an initial three-year commitment virtually guarantees malal will remain in the uk. >> federal agents at many large child poprn bus orn bust involving more the one to 20 children. >> the u.s. immigration and customs anenforcement >> the u.s. immigration and customs anenforcement known as ice
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>> the u.s. immigration and customs anenforcement known as ice (woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information and receive a free 3-day bracelet today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful
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>> happy friday to you. you are waking up with the kron 4 morning news. >> is 745 on the clock. it is a clear start to the morning. we do have some areas of local dense fog. i will get to that in a bit. >> the temperature show another cool start. freezing in concord. napa, novato
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below freezing. >> it is chilly out there you may encounter frost. however, we are a few degrees warmer than yesterday's. >> is a mix of twenties in several spots. >> we're off to a warmer conditions. >> we have fog in santa rosa, down there concord. >> the external be arraigned tomorrow. we have moisture on the way. futurecast 4 highlights 4:00 p.m. and looks to be drie. buy. >> 7:00 p.m. tomorrow will start to pick up rain for santa rosa. >> some communities north of the golden gate bridge was in the rain around ross, and the san mateo coastline. the rest of us looked to be dry. later in the evening hours. if this was a week day most of us would be indoors because it is a we can expect moderate to heavy
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rain in some spot while you could possibly be out and about. >> that will continue to push through to the overnight hours. we have more more straw on the back inmoisture on the back end. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows relatively mild conditions as we start the next work week however, we do have rain on tap for saturday and sunday. >> is not a huge storm maybe a quarter of an inch to have inch of rain. temperatures will top out in the upper 50s low 60s. >> 7:47 a.m.. that is the weather here is traffic with george. >> that you erica as we continue to monitor a light ride around the bay area. this is the last day of a holiday week. we have had two of these and arrow. is a friday. earlier recurring problems in iran have cleared up from 101 south bound. >> no matter in light of the bay bridge toll plaza.
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>> highway 92 the san mateo bridge the volume is up a bit because there are fewer lanes. the drive times are just 11 minutes. for your trip on highway 101 marin county, it is an easy ride as well 4101 south bound. >> off the volume is up a bit for the golden gate but no delays. >> the traffic map show through the east bay you are looking at another 20 minute commutes time westbound interstate 80. that is an easy trip. >> san ramon valley traffic delay free. >> dublin, livermore, 580 all look good. >> so does the commute from san jose. 101 southdown is still under 20 minutes from now on view. >> san jose traffic out of downtown on 280 looks good. >> your marin ride as we mentioned earlier an
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accident on san pedro gone. in the south bound ride. >> did you watch the fiesta bowl last night kerrey. >> it is too many of them. and they lead nowhere. --did you watch the fiesta bowl last night gary?. >> let me put it this way there was one guy that i said was one of the best player in years to watch. i flipped by it but oregon one. >> i was thinking about last night how oregon has become this powerhouse. do you remember five to seven years ago oregon started putting up billboards. they had one up at the bay bridge and in southern california. >> i was wondering what are the advertising in california. >> it seems as though it was
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the beginning of this grand plan to go from a medium to a national powerhouse of a school. >> i remember the first one with is joey harrington debt priced by a new york city. >> they had it on the big bridge coming off the bay bridge--a big billboard. >> all of a sudden they're recruiting class is that better. it was a great marketing strategy that put them on top. >> you know the answer right? >> . >>nike. >> and nike headquarters is in the area. >> when they have different color schemes or shoes they did everything first. if you
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are young enforceable kid they go hate what you need? >> everyone was sleeping on the second half. a one. safety. have you heard of such a thing. >> what they read that? >> they blocked the extra point and to try and run back and get tackled in their own insulin. it is a safety because it was a safety on an extra play. >> it also happened in 2004. i do not remember. one. safety i did not know you could do that. >> i do not remember that. neither dog. >> we have rumors that in the reed is leading and
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going to kansas city. --andy reed. >> he did last 14 years. he is a solid guy by most accounts. he has proven that not so much in the last few years but he has proven that he can put together a good program. what did they went two games last year. they have not been any good for a while. maybe they are saying let us get a guy so we kwho we know have done it. >> it is funny you mention oregon. what is the coach's name? >> jim kelly. >> is he going to buffalo? >> he was going to meet with all three today. >> he did not leave before his team played in the bowl game. >> that is absolutely
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ridiculous. he is holding all the cards. even the san jose state coach mcintyre. they said hey you want to go to colorado we will triple your salary but you have to tell us right now. >> we will see maybe he will stay. >> let us move on to rex ryan. is there any doubt whether tim t. beauregard to start. it is over. the dog got another tack to. it is a tattoo of his wife wearing a mark sanchez jersey. >> i think tim tebow's last hope is been dashed. >> they only fired the offensive coordinator. >> the ownership is the one who brought an tebow for a
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publicity stunt. they said we all right in another year. >> what you want your your wife to have a tattoo of james fletcher. >> i would have to think about it. i would take fletcher over tebow. >> fletcher passes mattebetter wé
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♪ we were skipping stones and letting go ♪
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♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley,
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we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.
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>> in a cold start to the
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morning. 32 for novato the time for bad debts below freezing for napa and santa rosa. tenders will clitemperatul climb as we head into the afternoon. >> i will have the numbers coming up in my next report. >> it is 8:00 as a look at traffic with george. >> at light ride. look at the bay bridge commute westbound light enough that many lives have been off all morning long. here is your commute check. all the ride from the east bay there is a little slowing on highway 4. i will take that off quickly it is clearing up for antioch. interstate 580 the delays for the westbound ride. that includes traffic all the source bsouth bay, north bay, and as luck. >> new this morning
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investigators and san jose are looking into a suspicious fire at a posh club. >> the fire happen overnight on zanker road. >> to get more news faster, we turn to our solo reporter mike pelton. >> you can see the window but the dow. they tell me the fsprinkler system help contain the fire. the circumstances of the fire they're calling suspicious. this happened in the middle of the night. this facility is a pot club. there is marijuana involved. putting both surpassed us together they say they consider this suspicious. >> i spoke with a couple of people work nearby. off they tell me this place was robbed a few months ago and are not surprised that all parties are once again on scene. l that of partieauthoritis are e
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again. >> the fire investigators are saying it is suspicious fire. the work to determine cause periodic checks on time. >> mike let me know about damage. it looks ok from the outside but inside? >> you see the employes and sweeping up the glass. the fire crews had to break out windows to fight the fire. they do not wish to comment about the extent of the damage inside. >> i can tell you if you can see a couple of doors are smashed and presumably from the fire crews having to go in. >> at this point however, we do not know if anything was stolen or damaged. >> thank you a live report out of san jose. >> we are following the search for 19 year-old
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allysa bryne. >> jackie sissel is light and fellow. >> police are hoping some clothes will help determine what happened to 19 year- oldalyssa bryen. >> they're missing posters posted all over the place. she is not missing from here. she has was last seen in the lake tahoe area heard and some friends had gone to lake tahoe for a three day music festival. she was last seen at new year's eve where she separated from her friends and took a shuttle back to the horizon hotel where she was staying at around midnight a friend saw her in the hotel about the same time purcell phone records say she recalled someone or text someone that is glasswort anybody at picnhad. they have searched for
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clues and around the last 24 hours we have learned the fbi has become involved in this investigation. obviously, everyone is distraught including her mother. we had a chance to talk to her yesterday. >> it is hard but there are some doors right now it is just hope. focusing on hope. we want everyone to keep their prayers for her and good dog there is no other option she is coming home. >>--good cothoughts. >> the sheriff's department is holding a 10th a.m. briefing. kron 4 has a crew on the way there. thank you jackie. >> stay with us as we continue to follow developments in the search of alyssa bryne.
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>> we have a crew in the tahoe and what more christian later today. updates are also available on and on our facebook and twitter page. >> this morning 36 year-old san raphael man will make his first appearance in court. he is accused of repeatedly having sex with a teenage girl, and threatening her she told anyone. >> luca baudilio dsantos is a small board charges. the 70 year-old accuser told police she was raped over a period of about six months. >> the team is an acquaintance of the rapist.
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>> the giants pitcher sergio romo is now apologize for is access and loss they is. >> police they got into an argument with 80 as a officer at laws vegas the karens international airport on your stay. >> this is a photograph post on new year's eve showing him off at a vegas nightclub called haze. >> he alongside 49ers players michael crabtree. >> sources say he became angry and aggressive with security or on tuesday morning when he failed to provide proper id. >> the giants e-mail as an apology from him say " i would like to sincerely apologize by the president's at las vegas airport which brought negative attention to this effort cisco giants organization and its fans i love and respect the giants, team it to our fans and promise to conduct myself in the na.
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>> we would to creek bridge the time is 8:08 a.m.. ♪ [ female announcer ] no more paper coupons. no more paper lists. [ dog barking ] ♪
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no more paper anything. safeway presents just for u. ♪ save more. save easier. saving more, starts now. just for u on the safeway app. now's a great time to get at&t u-verse tv. make the switch. [ female announcer ] call now to get at&t u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months, with a total home dvr included free for life. plus, add hbo and cinemax and get the first three months free. [ male announcer ] with u-verse tv, you can record four shows at once with the total home dvr that lets you play back, pause, or rewind your shows from any room. get over 170 hd channels. that's more than cable. [ female announcer ] call now to get at&t u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months, with a total home dvr included free for life. plus, add hbo and cinemax, and get the first three months free.
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[ male announcer ] and now, exclusively from at&t, our wireless receiver lets you move your tv where you want around the house, even outside. so you're no longer tied to the tv outlet. [ female announcer ] at&t u-verse. tv like you've never seen before. ♪ >> and developing stories this morning. at a police
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chase is with a crash in san francisco. this happens at 6 and townsend. kron 4 is will tran is live on the scene. the >> most of the power has been restored. they're trying to drill a hole here and put a new power pole here in its place. the poll that was here snaped then have when on the car went through the polling through a fence and then into a caltran pickup truck. if entirely wiped out power for about 100 people. they finally have restored everything by 7. the >> the good noses that when you wake up you will have power. the bad news is that if you work in this brick building. that have no power here. they have pg&e crews at this location. they are trying to bring in their own generators to cook,o hookek them
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up. >> one person told me that even if it is done they will have to put that it was eight disruption due to bay area derriere according to the form and that if all goes well they will attach the generators to this bill that can provide power within 45 minutes. this may be an all-day project area >> still ahead on kron 4 morning news. a water main break and the east bay kept crews are busy overnight. waterflood part of this road. the store will be coming up. and we will also have the latest on your weekend bay area forecast. have the latest on your weekend bay a[ mom ]ecast. dear chex cereal,
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i just had to write. you can't imagine how long i've been searching for something like this for my family. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex and honey nut chex. for me, it's cinnamon. it means a lot to be able to give them something that's good for them, that also puts smiles on their faces. 'cause i really love those smiles. we're the harris family. and we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook.
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>> will come back. keeping our eyes on the market. right now the dollar is up. we had one the word that the u.s. unemployment rate remained unchanged at 7.8%. >> general motors is
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recalling 55,000 vehicles because they can roll away unexpectedly. gm says that the vehicles may have been built with malformed steering columns with lot the gears or faulty parking lot cables. about one in 1000 of the vehicles have this problem. the recall affects certain 2013 models of the chevy silverado, suburban, tahoe, avalanche and express'. gmc sierra, savannah and you kind are also included in the recall. this also includes the the cadillac escalade. so far, no crashes or injuries have been calls. >> we are adding the factor
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of fog. we did have a lot of moisture in the air. santa rosa is down to 5 mi.. it is down to four in nonovato. your satellite and radar picture shows that there really is not much going on. the low pressure will stick its way in. you can expect rain throughout the weekend. do should be prepared. future cast 4 shows that it will be moderate to heavy rain for a 6:00 p.m. tomorrow night. it may start to come down into the late night. it will taper off for the early morning hours of sunday. we do have more stress i step out away. this will slightest way through. >> as we focus on the
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numbers it is 59 today for mountain view and sunnyvale. as we turn our attention to the east ave. 54 degrees for antioch. the north bay, has a sunny day ahead. santa rosa is at 58 degrees. your kron 47 day around the bay forecast shows that it will be mild weather as we get into next week. >> we will take a quick look get the ride on the bay bridge. you will see that the traffic looks great right now. it is light enough that the metering lights have not been activated all morning long.
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this is part of a good nose for your ride around the bay. as we look at the san mateo bridge even though the volume was up a bit whenever see the drive time get above the 11 minutes. the golden gate bridge ride looks great north and south bound. there was a rush of cars within the 7:00 hour. days have come down. as will pick up the traffic map i will update your ride. i is just 14 to 16 minutes from hercules to berkeley. walnut creek to dublin have no delays. south bay freeway is just a little bit of slowing on 1 01 southbound perry ed the north bay commute while we did have a problem earlier no longer is a
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problem there. the drive time is back under 25 minutes. >> sensors designed to detect the gunshots are now being used in oakland. they are called " sought to- spotters ", and day blanket nearly half the city. on new year's eve, this technology came in handy when officers were able to respond to a shooting after being alerted by the shot spotter, rather than waiting for 911 calls to come in. that alert came in less than 22 seconds. officers were able to rest once suspect in the shooting and even seized a colt assault rifle located with a hundred rounds of ammunition. >> oakland police say that
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in order for the shot spotter to work, they must have the manpower out in the field. that is a challenge since more than 100 officers were laid off in 2010. it >> east bay mud workers spent much of the night preparing a water main break. if this happened in the 23rd hundred block of the white way not far from telegraph ave. they hope to have everything 6 by this morning. until then, 16 homes remain without water. >> people forced from their homes in san francisco due to expire this weekend. the fire happened in the mission district and this is the rubble that was left over from the fire. 40 people including four children were forced to evacuate the building. at the fire caused
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more than $815,000 in damage. the calls of the fire is still under investigation. >> the federal government has given california the okay to set up a health insurance exchange program. california is doing so-in order to comply with the president's new health care reform law. >> a web site will go online and it will launch in june. it will list the plans and the rates. there was also be to help the saving accounts for you to choose from. they will have informational medicare and other programs. applicants can also find out if they are eligible for other subsidies. people who
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do not qualify for other items will still be able to purchase coverage plans directly from insurance providers. if there are still a lot of unanswered questions and exactly which health-care program is best. if the state is also still working on building an infrastructure. >> if everything goes well open road will start in october and the benefits are expected to kick in january 1, 2014. >> here is a live look outside as we are watching the conditions. we will be right back.
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>> new this morning. advertisers are paying top dollar for super bowl commercials this year, with the price of 830 seconds by hitting a record high of valley's $4 million. cbs sports is broadcasting this year's super bowl on february the third. the biggest football game of the year will be played in new orleans. the playoffs to determine which team will participate in the day began tomorrow. there time for commercials is already filling up quickly. the four million-dollar price tag beats last year's record, when nbc sports charged an
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average of $3.5 million for a 32nd spot. >> facebook lines' new updates this morning on is a messenger app that allows users to send voice messages. this is all part of mark as the birds pushed toward expanding the company's mobile services. users can now tap the " + " button then hold the " record " button to create a message. releasing the button immediately sends the message. facebook is also testing a new feature that allows free voice calls, or right now, it only works in canada and only on the latest i pole as messenger app. >> new this morning, the house of representatives is conducting a floor vote right now on a $9 billion aid package for victims of hurricsuper storm sandy. this
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money is part of a larger $60 billion package. lawmakers will vote on the rest of the money on january the 15th. if today's aid package passes, as expected, the senate will likely approve it later on in the day. federal emergency management agency has been warning that the national flood insurance program will run out of money next week if congress does not provide additional borrowing authority to pay out claims. >> coming up on kron 4 morning news, we will have an update on the development story in the south bay where a marijuana club caught fire overnight. we will be right back.
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>> new this morning, investigators in san jose are looking into a suspicious fire at a pot club. the fire happened overnight on shanker road. off to get you more news faster, we will turn to mike pelton. >> this window is broken out and they did put the fire out. they stated that
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is very suspicious. they stated that this happened in the middle of the night. if they stated the that dismal gasoline when they enter the building. this facilitate is a pot facility. they use this also for medical marijuana. i did just speak with the manager of the facility and he told may that he was triggered sell the facility because the security company noticed that a sensor went off. the manager believe that fall plan was in place. he stated that nothing was stolen inside the building and that the doors have a secondary security measures. he stated that it will be very hard for someone to remove anything from the building. >> the fire department is stated that it is a very suspicious fire and that will determine what the
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cost. if the manager stated that at this point this facility is want to open the letter on today. >> this could be done maybe a at about 9:00 this morning. they have to restore power. the car that was bay bristled when director of this po, then through a sense, then hit this caltran pickup truck. they stated that they will have to bring out a new pole to stop this. what is the problem is across the street. this a brick building has a many businesses. all of these pg&e trucks are all here and
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they brought in generators to the company's power supply room. they hope that if all goes well that the power could be restored about 9:00 in the morning. is that it is not no one will be able to get through. >> i talked to some of the employees and they stated if the date can i get then and that they have experiments that they need to work on varioun. that would just have to wait until this is done. there was a disruption and while they were door this. i will keep you updated to see if power is fully restored. >> in developing story this
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morning. search crews are looking for a petaluma a teenager that went missing in tahoe. this is a live look from petaluma where posters were posted around the town. >> deputies are now offering a $1,000 reward in the search for a 19 year-old alyssa byrne. here is the last pitcher taken of her. she is of the young woman on the right with dark hair. she was attending " snow globe ", a musical festival in south lakes high over new year holiday. her parents say that they sent her a text message monday night, which was new year's eve but that she never responded. >> she was an act of on a social media in the days
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leading up to her disappearance. we have taken a scoring grab of our twitter page. as you can see, she sang to be having fun at the snow globe concert, saying " last i was amazing " and that she was having fun in the snow. but then on dec. prefers, her tweets took a turn. she stated that " after tonight you will never be a part of my life " and " just lost all my trust in the person i trusted most. " police said that they are aware of these tweets and that they are investigating exactly when they were posted and whether there were actually posted by her. >> stay with us as we continue to follow up developing in their search for her. we have a news crew out and tahoe and will have
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more information letter on today. updates also available on a and on our facebook and twitter page. >> the drive time is still under 50 minutes. if you concede that the bridge is able to observe the traffic. no reason for you to avoid this. you should just be aware that the current drive times are from 11 minutes to 13 to 50 minutes. this is only for the westbound direction. >> today, three men charged with robbing and murdering a well the venture capitalists and the south bay are set to appear in court. if yesterday, one of the suspects, deanglo austin, briefly appeared before the judge. he had two other men
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are charged with murdering 66 year-old raveesh kumra. a prostitute was also arrested in connection with the slaying. kumra was killed at his montessori no mention in november, his wife also was beaten. the suspects made off with a crew in collection, jewelry and cash. prosecutors are trying collection, jewelry and cash. prosecutors are trying to figur[ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. your new light creamy potato with bacon & cheese soup says it's 100 calories a serving. that's right. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. my world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon...creamy cheese... [ whispers ] 100 calories... say it again... [ whispers ] 100 calories... ma'am, hello? ma'am? [ female announcer ] find progresso light for a great price today at your local safeway store.
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[ female announcer ] no more paper coupons. no more paper lists. [ dog barking ] ♪ no more paper anything. safeway presents just for u. ♪ save more. save easier. saving more, starts now. just for u on the safeway app.
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>> the palestinian teenager who was shot by the caliban, has been released from the hospital in the uk. 15 year- old malala yousafzai was shot while campaigning for girls' education in her own country and she was taken to the university hospital in birmingham for emergency treatment. malala's case won worldwide recognition
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for the struggle for women's rights in pakistan. the 15 year-old made the short list for time magazine's " person of the year " and now the girl's father has been given a diplomatic post in the uk. the position-with an initial three-year commitment-and virtually guarantees heard that she can remain in the uk. it >> former arizona congressman gabrielle giffords is expected to visit newtown, connecticut to that. the school resumes class is just a day in a building in the nearby town of monroe. your first is still recovering after being shot in the head at a campaign event in our own set of arizona in january 2011. >> new numbers from the cbc this morning showing cases of the flow for the week ended december 29th have taken the biggest jump this season. the flow is now
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widespread in 41 states. the cdc says at the uptick in flu activity comes about a month before authorities normally see it. that the primary strain has been associated in the past with more severe flu seasons. the flow often peaks in january, february or even later. >> will be right back. wé
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>> welcome back the time now is 8:44 a.m.. the top stories we are following right now. a police chase ends with a crash in sampras's go this morning. it happened at fifth and townsend. the driver crashed into a power pole in has wiped out power to about a hundred people in the area. pg&e is on the same working to restore the power. >> the search continues this morning for the 19 year-old that meant missing from petaluma. the fbi is also joining in the search today. deputies on offering a $1,000 reward in the search for her. if she was reported missing on new year's day after she went to an electronic music festival in south lake tahoe for new year's eve. >> giants pitcher and sergio romo got into an argument
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with tea as a officers at lost mrs. met karen international airport on new year's day. sources say that when nomo became " angry and aggressive " with a security worker on tuesday morning. the 29 year-old was handcuffed and temporarily detained by police. >> let's take a look at the numbers. it was a cool start for the morning. it was 34 degrees out the door in livermore. downtown san francisco was in the mid 40's. it was up a 30's for san jose. we do have some patchy fog forming. this will start to burn off shortly. the satellite and radar shows that high pressure is in control. we're not seeing too much in the place of cloud cover. we will see any increase in cloud cover for tomorrow.
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futurecast 4 highlights that by 3:00 p.m. you will see most of the more tickets than. as we head into the evening hours ride around dinnertime we will pick up a light moderate rain. he should keep your umbrella handy. the rain will intensify for the later evening hours. >> most of the showers will pass through. we do have more moisture on the backhand. when this is all said and done we are talking about a quarter of an inch to rain. it will be a wet one you should just keep this in mind. no rain for today. it will be upper 50s and 60s. it will be 60 degrees for san jose. 59 degrees is expected and mountain view. mid-50s for
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downtown san francisco. the kron 47 day around the bay for cash shows that wet weather will be for saturday and sunday. the high pressure will rebuild as we start the next work week. uric inland lows will no longer be at the freezing mark. >> there are very few changes since the last few weeks. i cannot remember such a stretch of light traffic. even in the mist of that we do have a stall on the mimic freeway. if this is 880 northbound. this essay construction vehicle. this is blocking the right hand lane and this is backing things up toward 66.
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this has added about five minutes to your drive time. the bridges look great. if the bay bridge has lost in a backup. there are no delays across the span. the san mateo bridge and highway 92 even with the star reported the traffic is still light at the toll plaza. the drive time is about 11 minutes. the golden gate bridge ride has been a problem for all morning long. >> visitors to the sutro baths ruins in san francisco have been pleased to find a note in have been of cold pools. a river otter, named "sutro sam " has been living in the large pool of the ballots for a few weeks. he has been drawing an
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audience. river otters have not been seen in the area for several decades. >> there is no doubt the technology is a huge part of our lives, and the new year men's a new opportunity for a fresh start. ridge de,irp is in the at&t universal studio with more on your new year's tac resolutions. >> it is a new year and a lot of us want to organize our lives. a cloud service like global drive or drop the box can help drag your files into a special folder on your desk top and they will be a sensible on your tablet. you do not have to
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delete it. you can start fresh with an account at age e-mail, bin connect your previous account to a service like a cloud of magic. so you can still search through your old messages. a program like to note can help. it listens to your sons and makes your files pretty. cut/stop taxing in front of kids. did my mom to stop using our phone in the car. sounds like a great resolution for all of us. i will love to
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hear what your resolutions are. if you can share them on my face book page. >> there are more gadgets capable of connecting to the internet than there are people around the country. that is according to data from the npd group. right now, 425 million internet connected devices are in u.s. homes. desktop and laptop computers continued to dominate the space, although mobile devices are catching up. according to the survey, by 2016, more than two budget of 5 million americans won't a smart phone and 113 million will have a tablet. >> one in 24 u.s. adults say
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that they have recently fallen asleep while they were driving. this is according to a new survey by the cdc. health officials think that number is probably higher because some people do not realize when they not all for a second or 2 while they're driving. the survey found drowsy driving is more common among men, and people between the ages of 25 and 34. sizes say that driving after you have been awake for more than 18 hours is like driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.08. >> coming up on kron 4 news we also have a reminder to catch dr. phil right after the news at 10:00 a.m.. ♪ we were skipping stones and letting go ♪ ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients,
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like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.
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>> welcome back a new year
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means new movies out of hollywood. but 2013 is shaping up to look a lot like 2012 the the box office. the under games, " catching fire " tops the list as the 2013 s most anticipated blockbusters. the movie is set for a november release. the next installation of " the frogbit " ranks second. it is scheduled to hit the big screen in december. the super hero thriller " mn 3 " is set for a may release. it came in third place. and rounding out the top five, star trek and the darkness and the great gatsby. both than sunset still open in may. >> coming up on kron 4 morning news that nine. giants pitcher sergio ruml apologizing today it for what happened at a vegas airport. we will have
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details coming up. we also have today's winners and losers on wall street with rob black. and your weekend forecast is also ahead. we will be right back.
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>> the top stories we are following this friday, january the force. the search continues this morning for a missing petaluma team. a live report is coming up. after the vote was canceled earlier this week, the house of representatives finally takes action this morning to help victims of super storm sandy. we have details straight ahead. >> we are also keeping an eye on bay area weather, what does the weekend have been store for us? let's check in with the janu. >> the satellite and radar
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shows a there is high pressure that is keeping things drive. we will talk more about this in my next forecast. an earlier occurring stall on the mimic freeway was at says embarcadero. >> we're getting conflicting reports. this is a typical commute today and we have slow traffic just before the coliseum. if you normally drive this way you will contend with nothing but normally slow traffic. if you want to avoid this you should use interstate 580. >> new this morning investigators in san jose are looking into a suspicious fire at a pot club. the fire happen overnight on the zinc are road. to get you more news
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faster, we would turn to our solo reporter kron 4 mike pelton. >> the firefighters have left the save.cene. the cruelest cut out the fire and that was contained to justice one room with a broken window. for the crew stated that this fire is suspicious because it broke out in the middle of the night. if they stated that when they first arrived here they smelled gasoline. they stated that marijuana is involved. they stated that they do not know the offical cause of the fire just yet. >> it is just upsetting. i have tried to do everything to be an outstanding citizen brea. this is definitely up settling for may. >> the cleanup crew has what the way most of the damage.
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this facility plans to open back up later on this morning. i will show you that this facility has a lot of security cameras. some of the cameras are on your screen. the employees are working with the authorities to see what the cameras caught. >> new this morning will now go to jackie sizzle has more report on the missing girl. there are going to hold a briefing on any new information about the missing teen. the city of petaluma are hoping for any leads. here is a video that was shot earlier. she is not missing from here. a few of her friends went to the top
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hole area for a festival over the weekend she was last seen on new year's eve or around 11:30 p.m.. they stated she left and went by herself to shuttle. they stated that she was seen at midnight and that she made calls and she text people from our phone. they stated that this was the last time she was saying. there are looking as surveillance and videos and they're trying to find any evidence. the fbi is involved as well. we did have a chance to talk with her mother yester day here in the city of palo mud. her mother is very distraught. >> it is very hard and there are doors that i cannot open just yet. i just want to hope that she comes back. i want everyone to keep us in their prayers. there is no
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other option. she must come home. >> there is a briefing at 10:00 a.m. in the tahoe area and kron 4 has a crew on the way to that. the people here in petaluma are hoping that there is good news at this briefing. >> stay with us as we continue to follow developments in the search for alyssa byrne. we have a crew in tahoe and we will have more information later today. updates also available on kron4.ocm and on our facebook and twitter page. >> this morning a 36 year- old man will make his first appearance in court. he is accused of repeatedly having sex with a teenage girl, and riding her if she told anyone. lucas baudilio
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santos faces multiple rape charges. the 17 your accuser told police that she was raped over a period of about six months. if the teen is an acquaintance of santos. this week to the girl told an adult relative, leading to his arrest. >> giants pitcher and sergio cuomo is not apologizing for his actions and lost vegas. police said that he got into an argument with the tea as a officers at a loss biggest airport. he is shown standing alongside 49ers player michael crabtree. the 29 year-old was handcuffed and to really detained by police. there have been conflicting reports on whether or not he was drinking. >> the giants e-mail does an apology from one mode. he
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says, " i would like to sincerely apologize about the recent events that the law's biggest airport which brought negative attention to the san francisco organization and its fans. i love and respect the giants, my teammates and our fans and per mommapromised to conduct myself in the future in the " san francisco giants' way ". >> new this morning, the house has overwhelmingly approved a $9.7 billion to pay flood insurance claims for the many homes and businesses flooded out by super storm sandy. the vote comes up more than two months after the storm hit and days after house speaker john boehner decided to delay an earlier vote. the
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bill allows the national flood insurance program to pay about $115,000 pending claims. this morning's vote since the the bill to the senate where is expected to pass. 67 members of the house voted to reject the bill, all of them were republicans. >> will be right back
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>> at the 2013 models of the chevy cerrado avalanche and express as well as the gmc savannas sierra.
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>> the motor is sold over 23,000 chevrolet boats in 2012. though sales but the bulk well ahead of its nearest competitor the nissan leaf. industry and gm analysts say it the biggest factor driving sales is a vehicles increased popularity and card clock california. engineers apparently tweet the bulk making it eligible for california's highly desirable car pool lanes stickers. >> crews are getting ready to try to rescue eight the year that is stuck out on the ice this morning. we'll be checking and that this is about 11 mi. out of boston.
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also rob black coming up next with winners and losers on wall street. [ mom ] dear chex cereal,
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9:15 am
i just had to write. you can't imagine how long i've been searching for something like this for my family. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex and honey nut chex. for me, it's cinnamon. it means a lot to be able to give them something that's good for them, that also puts smiles on their faces. 'cause i really love those smiles. we're the harris family. and we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook. >> watching winners and losers on wall street with rob black. the job report came out for the month of december, what would you call the jobs report? >> i call that goldilocks.
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it is not too hot or too cold. private employment we saw 160,000 jobs added. i want to see fewer government jobs. it will take some sort of action by congress to create jobs or give a small companies incentives to create jobs. we don't want government jobs, we want private sector jobs. we want employment under 6% it is currently 7.8%. >> we added 1.8 million jobs last year to the economy. let's talk about super bowl ad prices. $4 million for 32nd spot? that is crazy money. do they get their money's worth?
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>> that is a lot of eyeballs. it depends on who you ask. i am excited by this. this is a time in america where you get to watch at pepsi and etc. and have some fun. a lot of people watch for the >> a lot of people watch for the commercials. >> keep in mind that is why they are intrigued by facebook. that is the same audience that watches the super bowl. a company called intermix and i do not know fashion so
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i do not know enough about this. they are basically a boutique and the gap is a fashion warehouse. they bought at least thathleta. the s slowly turning around in the last eight the month, it said gannett 10 years to do it. i am betting on the gap. >> they said that they weren't going anywhere >> they did zappos >> spin magazine. no more?
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>> no more. they aren't done. done. they will be on line and joined newsweek and smart line as magazines to can't afford to print any more. >> the internet, creative destruction. >> thank you raab, have a good weekend. >> youtub too >> the weather has been has beel start to the morning. we woke up with some areas of fog. into the afternoon we
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will see more sunshine and slightly higher compared to yesterday. a little warmer into the evening hours. current temperatures, mud mid '40's and sam francisco 30's and concord and livermore and. satellite and radar showed changes on the way with high pressure in place right now. we are going to start off with the rain tomorrow afternoon. 3:00 p.m. it looks like it was a mostly in northern california in the early evening hours. the yellow color indicating moderate downpour. by 10:00 p.m. you can see just how widespread the yellow it is. we will have pretty heavy rain tomorrow night and into the overnight hours. it will continue to push east but we have more pressure on the back and pushing in on sunday. afternoon highs today will be slightly
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warmer than yesterday. low 60s through low cupertino los gatos. expect mid '50s along the ban the delta. 7 day around the bay shows as we will get the rain through this weekend but then sunshine and mild conditions into the week. >> we're going live to walls and massachusetts where we have good news. we told about eight year being stuck in the eyes and we were told crews have been able to successfully rescued this little beer. she was stuck about 11 mi. outside of boston. she was getting tired but the crews came on the scene moments ago and it looks like they were able to capture her safely and bring
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her back to land and get her off that eyes. >> that would be an expensive piece of venison. looking at traffic, it is still a light ride around the bay area with no delays to speak up. we had problems on the nimitz but it has cleared up. the bay bridge is still light and easy ride. the san mateo bridge highway 92 never got about 11 minutes even with a stall out there. the ride to the golden gate bridge is a smooth one with zero delays through marin county. looking at the east bay ride shows interstate 80 drive times are still about 12 to 14 minutes. the commute to the south bay still looks good with the 1 01 northbound and highway 85 a little sluggish very.
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>> and quick break as the kron4 morning news continues. a good looking day we have around the bay and the nice afternoon but get ready for the rain.
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>> keeping our eyes on temperatures around the bay area, warming up. this will be the last really cold one. not a bad actor known in the mid-50s. it will not be as cold tomorrow because we will have more clouds but that will leave it to rain showers in the afternoon. >> they spoke was new updates this morning on its messenger app that allows users to send voice messages. this is all part of mark zuckerberg is pushed toward expanding the company's mobile services. users can now tap the plans
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but now and then hold the record button to create a message. releasing the button immediately sends a message. facebook is also testing a new feature that allows free voice calls but right now it only works in canada and only the latest i o s messenger app. barnes and noble told investors they are looking into the cause of the drop and they are planning to adjust their strategy. >> google was under review for its search tactics. you will supply its own products within the results and push the product from competitors further down the list. the not find any evidence that it harm consumers. >> 425 million web devices
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are in the you ask. desktop and laptop computers continued to dominate the space of the mobile devices are slowly catching up. according to the survey by 2016 more than 205 million americans will only smart phone and 113 million will have a tablet. >> a live look at the san mateo bridge right now and a lot of haiti's around the bay but traffic looks good.
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>> watching the area weather let's go up to the weekend forecast with janu. >> is a beautiful start to the morning. we woke up to some areas of fog. current
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condition 30's in places like low '40's in the south bay. satellite and radar shows we're clear right now and high pressure is in place. we have some showers pushing and through the weekend. it will start saturday afternoon and last into sunday. it should be dry by monday. i w >> we are tracking a hot spot. and my last report the mountain view area of the 1 01 southbound was sluggish in an accident at san antonio road is blocking the right-hand lane. it is slow coming down from redwood city and slow traffic nofrom highway 237. the right lane is blocked southbound.
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>> san jose have been looking into a suspicious fire at a pot club and we will turn it to are so reporter mike pelton. >> a restoration company just showed up on the scene here of the 1600 block of as anchor road. firefighters have left the scene. flames broke out just after 4:00 this morning in crews put out the fire at which was contained for the most part to this room. you can see the window is broken out. they are calling this suspicious because it happened in the middle of the night. the good smell gas when they first arrived at this facility is at hot club at so marijuana is involved. investigators unseen trying to determine the official cause of the fire but the manager believes this was intentionally set. >> it is an unfortunate bomb. we should not have to expect to deal with this but
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we are oppressed to deal with it. we have a good security system and company and we have the resources to open up a little bit later. >> you can hear at the end of the manager says they will open the facility for business sometime between 11 and 12:00 today. a lot of security cameras on the outside of this building, i counted about a half-dozen. the authorities are working with authorities to see if anything suspicious is on those. >> we are continuing to file a power outage in san francisco. at the lights are out because of a police pursuit that ended shortly before 2:00 this morning. will tran is on the scene of the crash and showing what is being done to restore the power. >> pg&e crews have been busy all morning trying to
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replace power for people on fifth and townsend. it bmws slam through a powerful stabbing it in half. even as the fragments of it. it plowed through a chain-link fence and then hit a caltrans and trout. at its height, 100 people were without power. fortunately they were able to restore power to those people around 730 this morning. they brought output their generators to try to power the brick building that you see across the street. many businesses and that bridge building including a biotech company. a lot of the employees can't even get into the building. without power their badges do not work. they have key experiments that they are working on. even at our is restored it they will have to put an asterisk next to their experiments to let the
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next person know there was a disruption in the test. >> that even now offering a $1,000 reward on such for a 19 year-old alyssa byrne from palo the month. here's the picture taken addressee is the young woman on the right with the carrot. she was going to snow globe at music festival over the new year's holiday. the parents send a at the text on midnight at new year's eve and her parents reported missing the next day. she was active on social media did leading up to the data but as the plants. we have to get a screen that offers web page and she seemed to be having fun at the snow club concept saying " last night was amazing and she was having fun playing in the snow. then december that the press and the u.s. deeper tweet take a turn saying " after tonight you will never be a part of my
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life " and " just as all my trust in the press and i trust the most " bid police all aware of these suites and are investigating exactly it when they were posted and whether they're likely posted by alyssa byrne we have a crow in tahoe >> we go back with the back. lb.
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ñgñg [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. your new light creamy potato with bacon & cheese soup says it's 100 calories a serving. that's right. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. my world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon...creamy cheese... [ whispers ] 100 calories... say it again... [ whispers ] 100 calories... ma'am, hello? ma'am?
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[ female announcer ] find progresso light for a great price today at your local safeway store. >> we been following this
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dear rescue and they did it! they saved the deer. >> the pakistan teenagers shot by the taliban has been released from hospital and the uk. 15 year old malala yousafzai was shot while combating campaigning for gross education in her home country and taken to university hospital in birmingham for emergency treatment. her case won worldwide recognition for her struggle for women's rights in pakistan. the 15 year-old made the short list for time magazine's person of the year and out the
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gross father has been given a diplomatic post in the uk. the position with an initial three-year commitment virtually guarantees she'll remain in the uk. former arizona commerce one and gabrielle giffords is expected to visit new town conn today. their reports that she will be at the scene of the last month's deadly school shooting at sandy hook elementary school. the school resumes classes' today and the new building in the nearby town of monroe. giffords is still recovering after being shot in the head of the campaign and in her home state of arizona and january 2011. >> numbers from the cbc this morning showcases of the sow for the week ending december 29th have taken the biggest jump this season. the flu is now widespread in 41 states. the cdc says this uptick in flu activity comes about a month before authorities normally see at and that the
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primary strain has been associated in the past with more severe flu seasons. the plot often peaks in january, february or even later. we will be right back.
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(woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information and receive a free 3-day bracelet today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful
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>> a police chase into the crash in san francisco. the driver crashed into the power pole you see here and wipe out power to a hundred people in the area this morning. pg&e is on the scene working to restore power and most folks have their power back on. the search continues this morning for 19 year-old alyssa byrne from petaluma and the fbi is joining the search today. she is reported missing on the year's day after she went to an electronic music festival in south lake tahoe for new year's eve. giants pitchers sergio romo can an idea what psa officers at a las vegas is mccarron international airport on the year's day.
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this is the role became very angry and aggressive with security workers on tuesday morning when he failed to provide proper id.the 29 girls and cousin temporarily detained by police and now faces a misdemeanor summons to appear at a las vegas court. >> we have rain pushing into the weekend but first we're going to look of the san mateo bridge camera. it is a hazy because of the extra moisture in the area. we are expecting warmer temperatures into the afternoon. for tomorrow we have rain returning to the bay area and it will last until sunday. dry as we head into your work week. looking at temperatures we're still clinging to 30's in places like livermore sitting in the upper 30's. san francisco was in the upper 40's and mid-40s currently in oakland. satellite and radar show we are clear and dry right now because of high pressure but we are
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expecting changes. the jets for a set for tomorrow 3:00 p.m. and the rain is pushing into the area. the yellow indicates moderate to heavy downpour. it will pick up in the 10:00 hour worry was the widespread moderate downpour. and the overnight hours it will continue to pushed east and we have more rain headed our way for sunday. slightly warmer compared to yesterday's 60 degrees for less got those 58% to clear the mid '50s along the delta upper 50s for hayward 67 and a mix of mid to upper 50s for the rest is after them. 7 day around the bay shows once again to the wet weather this weekend we have plenty of sunshine and mild conditions and to the week with temperatures getting back up to the '60s. >> we have tracked a hot
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spot on the 1 01 in the southbound direction. this is the slowest traffic to be found in the bay area right now. the accident at san antonio road as what the right hand lane and led the northbound ride slow from 237 and southbound slow from 84 and the interchange with the done button bridge. the accident is in the final clearing stages. the rest of the right on the 1 01 in the lower peninsula is not bad. it's well the right and northbound 85 just a bit where it connects with 1 01 north. the once was of roadway actually looks like a typical commute. the rest of the bay area, enjoyed a day of rest here it as we have not had any delays at the bay bridge this morning. neither for the san the tail bridge ride these drive time stayed under 15 minutes even when there was a stall. the golden gate bridge has been delayed free across the span but also an easy ride
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off from marin county. >> sensor that is designed to detect guns have i not being used in oakland. they are called shot spotters' and a blanket nearly half the city. police say they will move forward with the technology to curb a growing crime rate. >> this is the sound of gunfire and east oakland on new year's eve at 10:31 p.m.. six of the city's more than 100 shot spotter's sensors recorded it. 22nd leader20 seconds later it notifd the city how many rounds were fired and where it was being used. >> we showed up to the same we found two different shell casings as well as blood evidence inside the cars meeting one of the people in the car had actually been hit during this gun violence. this is
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information we never had in law enforcement. >> officers were on the scene and less than two minutes instead of having to wait 11 minutes for the nine on one call to come in. this help them gather evidence at the scene but led to the arrest of one of the shooters and the seizure of his colts assault rifle capable of firing up to 100 rounds. >> these rounds will pierce cars walls bulletproof vests. we have an increase in recovery of assault weapons and an increase in information coming in from confidential informant that weapons like this are readily available. >> and a new conference on wednesday police said this is something they can use to really make a difference in terms of oakland gun violence.
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>> there is more to come. >> as good as this technology is it really comes down to having a team of officers on hand to follow up on these alerts. they have that on the year's eve. i they going to have the shot by their teams on a regular basis? they will try to do it more regularly but again it comes down to eight issue of manpower. >> east bay mud workers spent much of the night preparing a water main break not far from telegraph ave. an underground pipe flooded by the road but matt workers managed to shut off the water while making repairs. they hope that everything fixed by this morning and until then 16 homes remained out of without water. >> one in 26 u.s. adults say they have been recently
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fallen asleep while driving. this according to a new survey by the cdc. health officials think that the number is probably higher because some people don't realize what kind of for a center to while driving. the survey found drowsy driving is more common among men and people between ages of 25 and 34. scientists say driving after you have been awake for more than 18 hours is like driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.08. >> we will have more news weather and traffic when we come back. [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on, for two whole years. from at&t.
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[ female announcer ] a great price for a great triple-play bundle. [ male announcer ] call now. bundles with u-verse tv, internet and home phone start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable, high speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse triple-play bundles start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] with a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat. same great price. two whole years. price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪
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(male announcer) stanley roberts found some people behaving badly... >> despite its comments on facebook one person got it right, it is a treat kicked to the curb. everywhere you look,
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old christmas trees are taking up residence around the bay. this tree appears to be waiting for a phone call on folsom st.. this added trees are being removed as soon as possible to avoid being set ablaze. most of these have policies for holiday tree removal. nowhere does this say take the tree to the nearest corner and dump it. and san francisco your trees to go out on a regular trash day but only after a few restrictions have been at. first off if the street is blocked it cannot be recycled. if the tree is more than 6 ft. tall it must be cut in half. you only have until january 11th to do that. in berkeley at the tree is 7 ft. tall are higher it has to be cut in half. i can bet you in the
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coming days you will see discarded trees everywhere. some will be there until somber light urban tumbleweeds. people are setting them ablaze and the wind blows amber is everywhere. what ever city live-in, please check to see how to dispose of your tree. for god sakes please do not put them in your fireplace. >> we're hoping to learn more information about the disappearance of 19 year- old melissa alyssa byrne burns from paulo lima. visitors and these sutro baths ruins and san
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francisco have been pleased to find an inhabitant of the old rules. a river otter named at sutro sam as a living in a large pool of the bats for a few weeks. he's been drawing an audience and river otters have not been seen in the area for several decades. said joe sam seems to enjoy the attention and animal experts say he seems to be doing just fine. the pool as fresh water fed by underground streams and there's plenty of fish and muscles for him the eat. >> in the year means new movies out in hollywood but 2013 is shaping up to look a lot like 2012 at the box office. the hundred games catching fire tops the list as 20 thirteens most anticipate a blockbuster. the movie is set for november release. the next installation of the house it ranked second. --hobbit what
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it is settled i had the big screen in december. at the super hero thriller iron man three as set for a may release and came in third place. rounding out the top five at star trek and to the darkness and the great gatsby. both films are set to open in may. thanks for joining the kron4 news dr. phil is next.


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